


Pros and Cons of Natural Quartzite Countertops

Category: Stone Knowledge Updated: 2023/11/20 Views  Views: 60       Likes  Likes: 6

Choosing the right kitchen material for the countertops is the best decision you can make for your new home. Many people are confused on whether to use quartz or quartzite material for their countertops.

Quartzite is a naturally mined metamorphic rock with veining patterns whereas quartz is an engineered countertop fabricated from natural resins and pigments forming a beautiful slab. The two are different in terms of the looks, durability, design, and price.

Quartzite material has natural look and depending on the minerals used during formation. Most of them come in white and grey shades making it the best countertop material. Let's look at its pros and cons.


1. Aesthetic: Quartzite countertops have marble like look with natural strength and are comparatively harder and denser.

2. Low maintenance: It can withstand harsh handling of all kitchen commotion. It also requires less maintenance compared to all other types of kitchen material.

3. Resistant to scratching: Quartzite is more resistant to scratching compared to quartz. The dark grey patterns and its natural veining makes it easy to cover up scratches on the countertop.

4. Easy to clean: Quartzite countertop surface is smooth and no pores at its structure making it easy to wipe clean and sanitize lowering the risk of microbes from accumulating in the countertop.

5. Heat resistant: Compared to quartz material, quartzite has a better heat resistant thus not much affected by placing hot pot directly on the counter.

6. Versatile: Due to the nature of its design, quartzite has a unique palette of color schemes that make it look versatile and attractive.

7. Durable: Quartzite is one of the sturdier and durable natural stone with a long-lasting material. It has a texture for different themes.

8. UV rays: It is highly resistant to direct UV rays. This prevents the surface from fading and you can use it for outdoor countertops or in a room which receives direct UV rays.

9. Interior design: The countertop interior design is made of unique streaks and lenses which gives it both modern and organic look.

10. Appearance: Quartzite stone has a more natural stylish appearance and a sophisticated look that makes it a top trend for kitchen countertops, bathroom walls, and the house floors.


1. Expensive: Compared to other stones, quartzite has a higher cost. The construction of beautiful countertop slab adds to the cost.

2. No uniformity: It doesn't give you a solid uniform appearance as quartz. It always comes in different patterns and veining of various colors thus no slab with a bold single color.

3. Time-consuming to design: Due to the hardness of the quartzite structure, the countertop can only be curved with precision diamond cutters which takes a lot of time and experienced personnel.

4. Damaged by sharp objects: Despite the quartzite hardness, it can easily be damaged or scratched by sharp objects.

5. Frequent sealing: Quartzite may be harder or soft and most of them require sealing once a year but there are some of the materials which need sealing more often.

6. Stains: Unlike quartz, you need to seal quartzite to protect it from getting stains from spilled drinks.

7. Limited color choices: It has limited colors you can choose from for your decorating your kitchen countertops or décor.

8. Difficult to install: Due to the hardness of the stone, they need skilled craftsman and advanced tools to install the counters.

9. Can't stand high temperatures: Although they are resistant to heat, they cannot withstand high temperatures which can lead to the melting of the countertop.


Keyword: blue quartzites colors, white quarzites colors, grey quartzites colors, green quartzites colors, beige quartzites colors, pink quartzites colors, yellow quartzites colors

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